Understanding Wage Theft Laws
Ben Brubeck, Vice President, Regulatory, Labor and State Affairs
Maury Baskin, Esq., ABC General Counsel, Littler Mendelson P.C.
Wage theft statutes are emerging across the country. This session helps you understand what they are and how to comply if they are law in your state or municipality. If not, you’ll learn how to educate policymakers as to why these statutes are not the solution to improve the construction industry.
Planning for ABC Volunteer Succession
Milton Graugnard, Chair of the ABC Board of Directors, Cajun Industries
Stephanie Schmidt, President, Poole Anderson Construction
Robert “Buddy” Henley, Chair-Elect, Henley Construction Co. Inc.
Knowing that the life blood and future of ABC is its volunteers, this session is designed for those who are interested in pursuing an officer position in ABC. Additionally, chapter best practices will be shared, including young professionals strategies.
Learn About ABC-Championed Legislation
Kristen Swearingen, Vice President of Legislative and Political Affairs
Peter Comstock, Senior Director of Legislative Affairs
Vance Walter, Director of Legislative and Political Affairs
Learn about new, ABC-championed bills that capture the essence of the merit shop philosophy and worker choice and create the conditions for all to have the opportunity to achieve their career dreams. Learn how to educate your congressional representatives on ABC-supported legislation so they will sign on as a co-sponsor.
Why Policy makers Should Embrace AQC and STEP
Mike Bellaman, President and CEO
Greg Sizemore, Vice President, HSE and Workforce Development
Learn how to use AQC and STEP to educate policymakers on merit shop contractors’ safety, workforce development and corporate responsibility initiatives and ABC-supported bills such as FOCA and ERA.